Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My entry for 'It's a Wolves of Mercy Falls art contest'!

Hello all.. and MAGGIE MAGGIE MAGGIE!!

The Shiver Lady is hosting a fan art contest to win a most awesome arc.

What is that arc?

Uhh... duhs? Why it's FOREVER!!

ferret yes!

In order to win such mondo lovely arc the rules to her contest state that one must create fan art to relate to "The Wolves of Mercy Falls"

This is my entry in the competition.

This picture was taken in Leeds, Alabama
Across the street from the library
With my neighbor Laney
Wearing a hat that I hand-knit for the contest

Fingers crossed and good luck to all the contestants.

You can see all the rules and info about the contest by going to the Shiver Lady's website.


  1. It's like Little Red Riding Hood in wolf's clothing!!!--hope you win!!!! :) :) :)


    *climbs up to the roof top*
    *grabs a mega phone*
    *shouts GRETA WON SHE WON SHE WON SHE WON!!!!!!*

    Thats right Greta the Greta is soooooooo very awesome that she one the contest!!!

    *starts singing*

    Da duna da can't touch this...

  3. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! I'm so vicariously happy for Greta!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
