Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kiera Hudson: Dead Flesh (Book 1) by Tim O'Rourke: Review

Kiera Hudson: Dead Flesh (Series 2/Book 1)
By Tim O'Rourke
Published March 31st 2012
Pick up your own copy at Amazon today!
Synopsis borrowed from Goodreads:

When Kiera and her friends return from the dead, they soon realise that the world is not the same – it has been pushed. Returning to Hallowed Manor, Kiera soon learns that it’s not only the world that has changed, she is changing, too.

Asked to help solve the murder of missing school teacher, Emily Clarke, Kiera and her friends soon discover that they are now living in a world where humans and wolves live together, sharing a fragile peace.

But during her investigations, Kiera soon discovers that the world is now a much darker and dangerous place than the one she left behind.

“Dead Flesh” is Book One in The Kiera Hudson Series Two.

This is a Young Adult novel, recommended for ages sixteen years and up.

Darkfallen's thoughts:
First I want to say this is more of a 4.5 stars for me. Goodreads really needs to get with the program and give us the half star ratings. Lol

Kiera and the gang are back!....well sort of. They are back but they are definitely not the same. Then again who can come back from the dead unchanged? But it isn't long before they don't have time to worry about the strange things that are happening with themselves and have to focus on this new world that they've come back to. A place where everything seems to be off just a little. And the worst part? In this world the wolves have taken over. They're no longer the stuff of myths and fairy tales, no they are very real and the humans live in fear of them.

Kiera and the gang do what they do best, and stand up to the bat to take on this world head first, determined to set it right. The question is can they do it without getting themselves killed...again?

So when I first found out that Tim was doing a spin off series using most of the same characters I wasn't sure how that was going to work. But all I can say is it works in a way that only Tim O'Rourke can pull off! This book turned out to be amazing!! Now I will say that in the beginning it was a little slow to start and I started to think this was going to be the same as the first series which made me a little discouraged, but I stuck it out and I was sooooooooo glad that I did!

For one thing it was nice to see Kiera & Potter embrace their relationship and work together. I mean sure they had their spats, like we know the will because hello this is Potter we are dealing with, but they finally seem to accept that they lovers and nothing will come between that. It was nice to see the softer side of Potter when he was dealing with Kiera. I can't wait to see their relationship grow even more, and dare I say...go on a real date? Lol

We also get a closer look into Kayla with half of the chapters being told from her POV. I have always like Kayla and I am so glad we get to know her better. I really hope we get to keep Sam. (a boy that likes her) I would love to see her find some happiness and someone that can finally accept her for her after everything that she's lost in her life.

Overall this was a great start to this spin off series! Plenty of action and new twists that will keep you guessing and plenty of cliffhangers that will keep you reading!


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday - Miracle

Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we just can't wait to get our sticky fingers on.

Title: Miracle
Author: Elizabeth Scott
Release Date: June 5, 2012
Synopsis from Goodreads

Megan survived the plane crash—but can she survive the aftermath? An intense, emotional novel from the author of The Unwritten Rule and Between Here and Forever.

Megan is a miracle. At least, that’s what everyone says. Having survived a plane crash that killed everyone else on board, Megan knows she should be grateful just to be alive. But the truth is, she doesn’t feel like a miracle. In fact, she doesn’t feel anything at all. Then memories from the crash start coming back.

Scared and alone, Megan doesn’t know whom to turn to. Her entire community seems unable—or maybe unwilling—to see her as anything but Miracle Megan. Everyone except for Joe, the beautiful boy next door with a tragic past and secrets of his own. All Megan wants is for her life to get back to normal, but the harder she tries to live up to everyone’s expectations, the worse she feels. And this time, she may be falling too fast to be saved....

We here at Paranormal Wastelands ADORE Elizabeth Scott! We know she has the power to make something as emotional as a plane crash into something uplifting and brilliant. And because of that we are clearing the runways as we chant:

Must have NOWS!

We needs it!!
We wants it!!
We can't lives without it!!

Now that you've heard what our CAN'T WAIT book is... What's yours? Drop us a comment so we can find out what has you on pins and needles.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Teaser Tuesday: Dead Flesh Giveaway

Welcome to Teaser Tuesday!

This meme is sponsored by MizB over at Should Be Reading.
(wanna learn more about how you too can join in and play along? click here)

This weeks teaser is from....

"Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine I would be slaying werewolves while listening to Candyman by Christina Agulera." 87% on Kindle

This had me laughing out loud and the husband looking at me like I had lost my mind. lol

And now you can get your hands on your on copy...

One lucky winner will get an eBook copy of Dead Flesh (Book 1) AND Dead Night (Potter's Story Book 1.5) along with a SIGNED Dead Night poster!
Thats one hot poster!!

All you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Easy Peasy.
This is open Internationally.
Now c'mon...Tease me!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns

Title: Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Author: Frank Miller
Published: 1986
Synopsis from Goodreads

This masterpiece of modern comics storytelling brings to vivid life a dark world and an even darker man. Together with inker Klaus Janson and colorist Lynn Varley, writer/artist Frank Miller completely reinvents the legend of Batman in his saga of a near-future Gotham City gone to rot, ten years after the Dark Knight's retirement.

Crime runs rampant in the streets, and the man who was Batman is still tortured by the memories of his parents' murders. As civil society crumbles around him, Bruce Wayne's long-suppressed vigilante side finally breaks free of its self-imposed shackles.

The Dark Knight returns in a blaze of fury, taking on a whole new generation of criminals and matching their level of violence. He is soon joined by this generation's Robin — a girl named Carrie Kelley, who proves to be just as invaluable as her predecessors.

But can Batman and Robin deal with the threat posed by their deadliest enemies, after years of incarceration have made them into perfect psychopaths? And more important, can anyone survive the coming fallout of an undeclared war between the superpowers - or a clash of what were once the world's greatest superheroes?

Over fifteen years after its debut, 'Batman: The Dark Knight Returns' remains an undisputed classic and one of the most influential stories ever told in the comics medium.

Book One: The Dark Knight Returns
Bruce Wayne hasn't put on the Bat Suit in over a decade. He hasn't talked to Dick in seven years. And he has a MUSTACHE!!

Bruce while still built like a lumberjack is looking old.

But there's a voice inside his head who keeps reminding him who he was, what he needs to do, what has to be done.

Harvey Dent has been rehabilitated, or so his doctors say. His face has been reconstructed, he's served his time in Arkham Asylum, and is now a free man. He's even got an unscarred coin to prove how he's ready for the future.

Well, this is a Batman book... he's not going to just skip down the road and frolic in the meadow. What kind of story would that be?

Bruce's stash magically disappears one night. No really! Alfred is all like, "Yo dude! Where's that rockin' stash of yours?"

And because of that Bruce does the most rockin' thing and SUITS UP!!!!


And just in time because the city of Gatham totally needs some saving!

Book Two: The Dark Knight Triumphant
A new gang is taking over Gotham. A gang of mutants. At least that is what they call themselves. They attacked a girl earlier in Book 1 and Batman saved her. Now she wants to help him. And how you ask... well, she dresses up like Robin, of course!

Running to his aid we see Batman get the living breathing snot beat out of him. It kind of disturbed me. But Girl Wonder is there to help! And Batman digs her style.

Of course they catch the baddy and the baddy just causes more chaos but there might be one man who can understand what's going on... and I'm pretty sure he'll find it to be quite a laughing matter.

Book Three: Hunt the Dark Knight
The city of Gatham is still going bananas! But at least now Batman has a bit of help (even if she doesn't want to listen). Commissioner Gordon finally got his new watch and there's a new sheriff in town. And guess what? It's a woman!!! And she does NOT dig The Batman!

New Commissioner Ellen Yindel has put out a warrant for Batman's arrest. Oh snap! But Batman has bigger fish to fry because those dummies over at Arkham have released The Joker. What are they nuts? He's a free man and is about to do an interview with a late night personality that is sure to be explosive.

And wouldn't you know it? Seems like the President called in Superman to tell Bruce to chill out. And while he does it seems like the butterflies are really digging his pirate stance and flowy shirt and Bruce is like "YO dude! Go away! I play by my own rules". And this has me excited because if there was ever to be a Superman vs. Batman movie then that is how they would do it. Huzzah!

Book Four: The Dark Knight Falls
The Joker is going down in a big flaming way but now the good guys are after Batman! Don't they realize that he's on their side? At least they should realize that! He's ready to take back Gotham and the Sons of Batman are ready to follow in his footsteps.

The Soviets aren't really digging us at the moment and with a nuclear warhead headed straight at us it's up to Superman to save the day. For some reason this kinda ticks off Batman because he's sick and tired of the Man of Steel being all goody goody with anyone who wears a flag pin. So, it's time to bring him downtown!!

Which is freaking awesome because honestly... that's the movie! That has to be the plotline for the movie Hollywood has been talking about making for like EVER! Make it dang it! Make it!

But anyways... Superman is going DOWNTOWN! (say that in a REAL STEEL kinda way) and to get him there we get a cameo from one of my favorite characters.

A fight has begun and only one person is going to walk away.... Can you guess who?

Greta's Thoughts
Wow! This was done in 1986?!! This comic was so freaking ahead of it's time that it's unreal! Loves it! I was only 8 years old when this came out but I wish I would have known about it when I was 14!! But alas... I wasn't very cool so my knowledge of comics only stemmed to Heathcliff and Archie (which at the time were already dated).

I found the parody of David Letterman to be interesting. That would be who interviewed the Joker when he got out. It amazed me how that could still be used today.

Also, since the 80s fashions are back in style you wouldn't even know it was from nearly 30 years ago. BUT! I must admit that I thought the Mutants group looked like a bunch of Max Hedroom/Robocop/Club kids.

I also found the parody of Ronald Reagan to be pretty funny. I don't remember much about the Regan administration because of my age but I do remember my parents griping about him. I'm guessing that the author of the comic was not a Reagan fan.

The Darkness
It made me sad to think of Batman as an old man. I ... did... not... like! It scared me to think of how a hero has to come to an end. How they aren't immortal even though we want them to be. Everyone ages. But I did find it interesting for someone to come up with the idea of Batman having one last hurrah before heading back to the Bat Cave.

None of the Batman movies have been based on this comic book but I did find a couple similarities in the recent Christian Bale movies.

You don't have to be a Batman fan to understand what is going on in this comic book. If you know very little about Batman or have just seen the movies (Like me) or the animated series (me again) then you should do just fine. The side superheros don't require much knowledge either... Although, I have seen every episode of Smallville so that might have helped me out.

I recommend this to anyone who wants to read the comic that paved the way to the modern Batman. It's totally worth it. And once you keep reminding yourself how old the comic is... it will simply blow your mind.

Holy Time Warp Batman!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Chasing McCree Blog Tour/Giveaway!

Reading Addiction Blog Tours

Welcome to our stop on the Chasing McCree blog tour. Today we sit down with author, J.C. Isabella, to find out a little bit more about her with our guest post:
Ten Things We Didn't Know About J.C. Isabella
One lucky winner will walk away with their own copy of her new book, Chasing McCree!

Check out her website!
Author Bio

J.C. Isabella is the author of The Unofficial Zack Warren Fan Club and a romance novel junkie. Ever since she discovered the genera in high school, she has been a self-proclaimed fan. This led to penning her first YA romance. When she isn't thinking up new recipes for the cookbook she hopes to one day write, she is brainstorming a new novel and listening to country music. She lives in the tropics of Florida, with her big fat Italian family, and ornery feline companion.

Ten Things We Didn't Know About J.C. Isabella:

1.       My initials stand for Janine Catherine

2.       I am a certified etiquette coach

3.       Before writing, I tried a number of professions. I’ve been a secretary, personal shopper, an emergency dispatcher, camp counselor, and a nanny

4.       I am a classically trained singer

5.       I love to alphabetize

6.       My favorite color is blue

7.       I love to cook! If I hadn’t become a writer, I would have been a chef

8.       I am allergic to chicken

9.       My favorite place is St. Augustine Florida

10.  I am half Italian on my mother's side, Welsh and Irish on my fathers

About the book:

Chasing McCree
By J.C. Isabella
Published April 14th 2012
Pick up your copy at Amazon or B&N today!
Synopsis borrowed from Goodreads:
Briar Thompson had it all. The right clothes, the right friends, the right car. Being popular was all that mattered. Her parents were rich and treated like royalty throughout the community. She thought her senior year of high school was going perfectly, until the night her drink was spiked at a party by one of her so called friends.

That was the night she met Chase McCree.

Chase wanted to go back to Montana. To the ranch and the wild, wide blue sky that went on forever. He wanted nothing to do with flashy cars or spoiled rich kids. But he found himself head over boots for the quirky cheerleader who turned her back on her social status. She befriended him when no one else would.

Shunned and hurt by the people who were once her friends, Briar flees with Chase to his family ranch in Montana. There she discovers another world, and apart of herself she never knew.

The cowboy wasn’t like anyone she’d ever met. The cheerleader wasn’t like anyone he’d ever met. Apart their lives didn’t seem to make sense, but together, they were chasing forever.

Now on to the GIVEAWAY!!!

One lucky winner will get their own eBook copy of Chasing McCree. All you have to do is leave a comment answering this question:

Could you fall head over heels for a cowboy?

Just answer in the comments section and fill out the Rafflecopter form below for a chance to win!
This is open Internationally!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday - Keep Holding On

Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we just can't wait to get our sticky fingers on.

Title: Keep Holding On
Author: Susane Colasanti
Release Date: May 31, 2012
Synopsis from Goodreads

A romantic and empowering book about bullying

Noelle's life is all about survival. Even her best friend doesn't know how much she gets bullied, or the ways her mom neglects her. Noelle's kept so much about her life a secret for so long that when her longtime crush Julian Porter starts paying attention to her, she's terrified. Surely it's safer to stay hidden than to risk the pain of a broken heart. But when the antagonism of her classmates takes a dramatic turn, Noelle realizes it's time to stand up for herself--and for the love that keeps her holding on.

We here at Paranormal Wastelands believe in two things: Standing up for yourself and finding love. Ok.. we also believe in werewolves, vampires, and the occasional tooth fairy or two.

But because there are so many good causes in the world this book has us cheering:

Must have NOWS!

We needs it!!
We wants it!!
We can't lives without it!!

Now that you've heard what our CAN'T WAIT book is... What's yours? Drop us a comment so we can find out what has you on pins and needles.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fated - Audiobook Giveaway

Title: Fated (The Soul Seekers #1)
Author: Alyson Noël
Published: May 22, 2012 
Synopsis from Goodreads

The first book in a magnificent new series about a girl who can navigate between the worlds of the living and the dead by #1 New York Times bestselling author Alyson Noël.

Lately strange things have been happening to Daire Santos. Animals follow her, crows mock her, and glowing people appear out of nowhere. Worried that Daire is having a nervous breakdown, her mother packs her off to stay in the dusty plains of Enchantment, New Mexico with a grandmother she’s never met.

There she crosses paths with Dace, a gorgeous guy with unearthly blue eyes who she’s encountered before...but only in her dreams. And she’ll get to know her grandmother—a woman who recognizes Daire’s bizarre episodes for what they are. A call to her true destiny as a Soul Seeker, one who can navigate between the worlds of the living and the dead. Her grandmother immediately begins teaching her to harness her powers—but it’s an art that must be mastered quickly. Because Dace’s brother is an evil shape-shifter who’s out to steal her powers. Now Daire must embrace her fate as a Soul Seeker and find out if Dace is one guy she’s meant to be with...or if he’s allied with the enemy she’s destined to destroy.

Paranormal Wastelands is proud to present a Macmillan Audio giveaway.

One lucky US winner will receive their very own audiobook of Alyson Noël's Fated.

Enter below and Good luck!!

And while you wait enjoy a snippet of this wonderful book....

Monday, May 21, 2012

Blood Witch (Sweep #3)

Title: Blood Witch
Series: Sweep Series
Author: Cate Tiernan
Published: 2001
Synopsis from Goodreads

Morgan has found her mother's Wiccan tools, and her relationship with Cal is strong. Everything seems perfect. Except that Cal's half brother, Hunter, is stalking them. Hunter claims to be a Seeker who is investigating Cal for the misuse of magick. Whom can she trust?

Woowy Zowwy!!

If anything - the endings of these books are fantastic!

Talk about evil cliffies! I'm already standing on the edge screaming NOES!!! because I don't have the next book.

I so wonder how people who read this series as it was released dealt with it. I wouldn't have had the patience.

"Blood Witch" starts right where "The Coven" left off. Morgan is in Selene's private hidden library where she find's her birth mom's Book of Shadows. Oh snap! And since we already know all about Mauve's Book of Shadows from reading snippets of it in "Coven" you can bet your bottom dollar that Morgan is about to discover some real witchy things about herself.

Selene is kinda like "What you doing in here?" blah blah blah but then for some reason she's all like "Yeah sure, Morgan! You can have the BOS! I was going to give it to you anyways! True Dat!"

I felt that was kinda weird but I really think it's all a set-up because with what happened at the end... there totally HAS to be a reason to it.

Bree and Morgan still don't dig each other and Bree is still getting close to Raven. Morgan learns (when hiding in a bathroom stall) that the other coven is doing something with Morgan's hair that Bree got out of an old hairbrush from the good ol' days when they were still besties. I have no clue what's going on with it but I bet the next book will tell and I bet it will be awesome!

Hunter and Sky are still in this book and we learn a big whopper about Hunter. It's so big you'll gasp!

We also learn what clan Morgan belongs to. And she gets even more info about her roots at Practical Magic (I wish I could go there!!).

And slowly but surely, Morgan is uncovering secrets that her Mom has left behind. It makes me even more anxious to read the next book.

I really love all the info about Wicca and how it seems to be very true to the craft. Sure there is a bit of supernatural fluff but I don't see anything wrong with that.

OH! And in this book Morgan gets the cutest little kitty! Hooray for the fluffiness!

All in all this is turning out to be a great series. If you like witches then you'll love these books!

I do however wonder who SGATH is. I already know who Giomanach is. But I'm very curious about Sgath. I'm hoping it tells in the next book.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Anna and the French Kiss

Title: Anna and the French Kiss
Author: Stephanie Perkins
Published: 2010
Synopsis from Goodreads

Anna is looking forward to her senior year in Atlanta, where she has a great job, a loyal best friend, and a crush on the verge of becoming more. Which is why she is less than thrilled about being shipped off to boarding school in Paris - until she meets Etienne St. Clair: perfect, Parisian (and English and American, which makes for a swoon-worthy accent), and utterly irresistible. The only problem is that he's taken, and Anna might be, too, if anything comes of her almost-relationship back home. As winter melts into spring, will a year of romantic near - misses end with the French kiss Anna - and readers - have long awaited?

Was this book predictable?
A bit

Was it too long?
Just a tad bit

Did it keep your attention?

Most of the time

Would you read it again?
You betcha!

I freaking adore amore'ed this book!! IT was fabtabulous!!

And this!!


is coming from a person who freaking hates books that take place in France and absolutely hates boarding schools.

Do I have your attention now?

Cuz this book was AWESOME!!

Are you looking for a feel good book you can cuddle with?

Want to fall in love with a boy?

Want to laugh your butt off at the main character?

Would you like to fal in love with a city you thought you wouldn't like?

Then by all means get this book!! because this book is about to change your mind about EVERYTHING!

The Lowdown:
Anna lives in Atlanta. Her dad is the next Nicholas Sparks. He wants to appear a bit more cultured so he sends his daughter to a boarding school in Paris.

Anna is freaked out! She doesn't want to leave Atlanta! She wants to stay at home. She wants to keep working at the movie theater. She wants to keep practicing writing reviews for movies because she wants to be a film critic when she grows up. What is Paris going to teach her? Surely nothing she needs or wants! Her dad is so super mean!!

But that's what she thinks because Anna is about to embark on the most amazing year of her life!!

My thoughts:
This book is freaking great! I can't strain that enough! IT's funny in all the right places. Swoony in others. ANd just down right full of kawaii cuddle bugs in the most perfect paragraphs known in Squee-history.

Now sure sure... There is a formula:
Girl goes to France
Makes new friends
Meets totally hot boy with messy hair
Falls for him
Learns he has a girlfriend
He flirts back
Sparks fly
Sparks fly HARD
IT's like an arc welder!
Boy slows down
Still has that pesky girlfriend
Girl asks WHY
Boy says it's complicated
Girl walks away
Boy doesn't follow.

You's pretty textbook.... but it's so freaking GOOD!! This will be a movie some day! I promise you that!! It has to be a movie some day!!

Age appropriate?
At the beginning of this book I told my friend that I thought this would be ok for her 6th grade girl. I'm taking that back. I think this is a good book for 8th grade+ girls (that's right! soooo NOT a boy book!)

I didn't cry but there are sooo many times I said "awwww!" and got butterflies that I'm sure a lot of people out there broke down and sniffled. I eat nails for breakfast so I'm pretty tough... ok ok... I have a black heart but after reading this book I think I now have more of a charcoal heart.

The Writing:
I love the way this book was written!! I love how the author gave us just the right amount of romance, friendship, misunderstandings, and squees. TO me... this is one of the most perfect contemporary YA books I have ever read.

The Verdict:
I'm in love!

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Vampire Diaries: Stephan's Diaries/Giveaway

Calling all Vampire Diaries fans...

Have we got a super awesome special giveaway for you!!
Thanks to the wonderful fabulous people over at Hachette Childrens Book UK one lucky winner will get a set of  Vampire Diaries:Stephan's Diaries series!!

And I mean look at him...
Who wouldn't want to read his diary?

This contest is open INTERNATIONALLY! All you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter form below for a chance to win.
(This is for a set of the UK version of the series. In other words they will have to UK covers.)

Good Luck!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fated (Souls Seekers #1) by Alyson Noel: Review

Fated (Souls Seekers #1)
By Alyson Noel
Expected Publication May 22 2012 by St. Martins Press
Pre-order your copy at Amazon, B&N, or your local indie today!
Synopsis borrowed form Goodreads:
The first book in a magnificent new series about a girl who can navigate between the worlds of the living and the dead by #1 New York Times bestselling author Alyson Noël.

Lately strange things have been happening to Daire Santos. Animals follow her, crows mock her, and glowing people appear out of nowhere. Worried that Daire is having a nervous breakdown, her mother packs her off to stay in the dusty plains of Enchantment, New Mexico with a grandmother she’s never met.

There she crosses paths with Dace, a gorgeous guy with unearthly blue eyes who she’s encountered before...but only in her dreams. And she’ll get to know her grandmother—a woman who recognizes Daire’s bizarre episodes for what they are. A call to her true destiny as a Soul Seeker, one who can navigate between the worlds of the living and the dead. Her grandmother immediately begins teaching her to harness her powers—but it’s an art that must be mastered quickly. Because Dace’s brother is an evil shape-shifter who’s out to steal her powers. Now Daire must embrace her fate as a Soul Seeker and find out if Dace is one guy she’s meant to be with...or if he’s allied with the enemy she’s destined to destroy.

Darkfallen's thoughts:

Daire doesn't exactly live the life of an average teenage girl. Of course having a mom that is a famous make-up artist how could she? She has trotted the globe growing up on movie sets ever since she could remember. So while traveling and hanging out with movie stars should be a good thing it's not all the glam it's cracked up to be. Especially when she starts having these weird visions that get worse and worse until she flips out in a foreign county and attacks her movie star crush. All this landing her in a small New Mexico town with a grandmother she never even knew she had a few days ago. Yea everything in Daires life is about to change...

This book was a little slow to start in the beginning. I mean there was action but it just doesn't really pull you in until about 160 pages of so. But after that it really starts to fly, sucking you into the plot. I loved the whole idea of the Seekers and the Native American background that is so dominant in the story. It was nice to see a new supernatural element brought to the Ya Paranormal world for a change. And Daire was perfect for the job. She is easy to like and true to her character throughout the whole book.

Then there is the whole take on the "good twin, bad twin" scenario between Dace and Cade. Where Cade is all bad and evil; Dace is all nice and swoon worthy. I just wish we would have had a little more time spent on the relationship between Dace and Daire. Maybe brought them together a little sooner so we could have watched that grow a bit more. The action definitely takes the front seat in this story. Still I'm thinking we will get more Dace and Daire in book two now that they have an established relationship, and I for one can't wait to get more Dace! lol

Overall, while I still miss the Immortals series, Alyson Noel doesn't disappoint with her new take on the supernatural.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday - All These Lives

Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we just can't wait to get our sticky fingers on.

Title: All These Lives
Author: Sarah Wylie
Release Date: June 5, 2012
Synopsis from Goodreads

Sixteen-year-old Dani is convinced she has nine lives. As a child she twice walked away from situations where she should have died. But Dani’s twin, Jena, isn’t so lucky. She has cancer and might not even be able to keep her one life. Dani’s father is in denial. Her mother is trying to hold it together and prove everything’s normal. And Jena is wasting away.

To cope, Dani sets out to rid herself of all her extra lives. Maybe they’ll be released into the universe and someone who wants to live more than she does will get one. Someone like Jena. But just when Dani finds herself at the breaking point, she’s faced with a startling realization. Maybe she doesn’t have nine lives after all. Maybe she really only ever had one.

We here at Paranormal Wastelands are super stoked about this book! How on earth is Dani going to rid herself of all those lives and why on earth does she now realize she only has one! It's such a cool twist that it leaves us shouting:

Must have NOWS!

We needs it!!
We wants it!!
We can't lives without it!!

Now that you've heard what our CAN'T WAIT book is... What's yours? Drop us a comment so we can find out what has you on pins and needles.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Teaser Tuesday: The Darkest Kiss

Welcome to Teaser Tuesday!

This meme is sponsored by MizB over at Should Be Reading.
(wanna learn more about how you too can join in and play along? click here)

This weeks teaser is from....

“He had a bleeding cut on his leg and he smelled like shit.
Her nose wrinkled. "Step in something?" she asked innocently.
"That I did not mind." He took a menacing step toward her. "What I did mind was being hit by a cab, then landing on the lap of a naked man. With an erection, Anya. He had an erection.”  

Poor, poor Lucien!

This was my favorite book of the series so far. I can't wait to read more!
Now c'mon...Tease me!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Coven (Sweep #2)

Title: The Coven
Series: Sweep Series
Author: Cate Tiernan
Published: 2001
Synopsis from Goodreads

Cal, now Morgan's boyfriend, helps her accept the truth: Wicca is in Morgan's blood. As Morgan learns more about Wicca, she realizes that she needs to find out more about her parentage. The answers are there, but she doesn?t know how to find them.


I can't believe it ended like that! It makes me want to squee, sceam, and gasp!

Can I get at "tre' awesome" in the house?

"COVEN" picks up where "Book of Shadows" left off.

Morgan passed out, Cal picks her up, smoochy boochy, you're a blood witch.

But how is Morgan a blood witch? And what is a blood witch?

A blood witch is a person who is born with witch parents.

But Morgan's parents are like Dagwood and Blondie. Totally not very witchy. There is totally no Samantha or Endora going on in that bloodline.

And that's when she learns the truth. Morgan brings it up to Mom and Daddy and they are like "ummm... what you talkin' 'bout?"

And Morgan jokes, "What? Am I adopted or something?"

And the cat is let out of the bag. I mean... the black cat is let out of the cauldren!

Morgan is totally adopted! Mom and Dad adopted her when she was just an infant.

In the book "Coven" we learn about Morgan's real mom, glimpse into her Book of Shadows, and discover just how strong a witch Morgan is going to be.

We also have a bit more sexual tension between her and Cal, a fight between Morgan and her parents (which I kind of thought was off the wall but I guess it makes for a good storyline), a couple of boob touches (so parents beware!), and Bree and Raven are getting closer together.

OH! And then we get introduced to a new person. Who is she? It is yet to be revealed but I can already tell she's going to be bad news.

At just 184 pages this book totally kept my attention. Even though Morgan sometimes seems like a bit of a whiner I am still fascinated by what is going on and am able to look past her little fits.

These are definitely my cup of bat tea!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Titan Magic

Title: Titan Magic
Author: Jodi Lamm
Published: 2011
Synopsis from Goodreads

Mute, heartless, and tormented by auditory hallucinations, Madeleine Lavoie never questions why her family has hidden her from the world. But the night her brother casts her out, she learns the mysterious voice she thought existed only in her mind is no delusion, and no matter how hard she tries, she can never disobey it.

Now Madeleine must find her own voice in a cacophony of powerful tyrants, monsters, and gods. If she fails, she will forfeit her life and the lives of everyone who loves her. But if she succeeds, she may finally gain the ability to love someone in return.

I love bedtime stories.
I love the romance and adventure they weave.
The way you hold your breath as you get to the next page.

The moment you realize you uncovered the truth
But only to be fooled again.

I am always amazed by the magic of characters.
The timeless effort the storyteller takes to make each one come alive.

"Titan Magic" while a little darker than those bedtime stories you grew up with is just what the doctor ordered when hunting for a good book to curl up with.

It's Once Upon a Time meets On a Dark and Stormy Night.
A perfect blend of action, mystery, magic, and swoon.

Maddie always thought she knew who she was. A mute girl that gets tied to her bed at night and gaurded by her brother.

This sounds pretty normal. Right? I mean... why wouldn't a young girl get tied up before bedtime every night?

It's completely normal to Maddy.... until one day her brother loosens her ropes and tells her to leave. With a kiss goodbye she is about to embark on an epic journey of fairy tale proportions.

Maddy believes she is mad. And not just her...Everyone thinks she is mad. But why do they think that? They don't know about the voice she hears inside her head. How could anyone know? Who could she tell? That voice is always telling her to find him. And now with her ropes loose and the voice getting louder, who knows what will happen next?

If you are a fan of "The Golden Compass" and "Narnia" then this book needs to be on your To Be Read List !

Paranormal Wastelands would like to thank the author for supplying us with a review copy.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Trust In Me by Beth Cornelison: Review

Trust In Me
By Beth Cornelison
Published Decemeber 11th 2011 by TKA
Pick up your copy at Amazon today!
Synopsis borrowed from Goodreads:

A hero for the rest of us?

Escaping the cheating fiancé and sheltered life her father has arranged for her, Claire Albritton wants nothing more than to take control of her life and learn to fight her own battles.

Kevin Fuller believes he must rescue damsels in distress and Claire is decidedly out of her element in small town South Carolina. When trouble inevitably finds Claire, Kevin's white knight protection and heroics are exactly what Claire doesn't want. But his kisses...that's another matter.

Darkfallen's thoughts:

Trust in Me was a sweet and quick read that I couldn't put down...

Claire as grown up in a life of privilege and wealth. That doesn't mean that she always gets what she wants. Coming from a place where women are all expected to act a certain way, marry a certain man, and have babies, Claire realises that's not the life she wants for herself. Especially after she finds out her dad set up her engagement to her fiance all for a business deal, and the fiance is cheating on her. Deciding enough is enough Claire decides it's time to make some decisions for herself and takes off to the small town of Grayson where she meets Kevin.

This story was cute and sweet. You drawn into their world and unable to stop until you reach the last page. I love the strength you see in Claire and the determination and fortitude you see with Kevin. Together the two of them are unstoppable. This is definitely one of those stories that will pull at your heart strings on more than on occasion. Especially the story behind Kevin. I just wanted to hug him to death because he so deserves it.

The only thing that I wish we would have had more of was the actual romance between these two. Don't get me wrong, the chemistry and sexual tension is there. It's just that they only ever go on one real date before they are practically completely in love and ready for forever. I just felt that was a tad unbelievable and the story would have felt more real had we had a little more. Which yes, would have led to a longer book, but with a couple like these two who wouldn't want more pages? lol

Overall this was a great romance. It was heart wrenching, sweet, and swoon worthy with just the right amount of drama.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Party Of Three by Daire St. Denis: Review

Party of Three
By Daire St. Denis
Expected Publication May 28th 2012 by Carina Press
Pre-order your copy at Amazon, B&N, or your local indie today!
Synopsis borrowed from Goodreads:

Determined to end a long dry spell, Tina is thwarted by her best friend, Des, who scares off the only eligible guy at their party. But Des more than makes up for it when she and her boyfriend, Josh, invite Tina to their own intimate celebration. The encounter awakens cravings Tina didn't even know she had. She's intrigued when the couple asks her to join them for two days of sun, sand and steamy sex in Santa Barbara. She should say no. But she doesn't...
The erotic weekend is beyond amazing. But there's something deeper developing between the trio-something Tina is not yet ready to explore. After all, their party of three can't last forever-can it?

Darkfallen's thoughts:

This book wasn't exactly what I thought it would be. I mean when I read the blurb I was expecting a romance story about how three friends that all fall in bed together, expecting the drama to be based around the difficulties that come with a menage relationship. Now don't get me wrong some of that was there, but there was so much more to it than that. Some good, some Meh.

Tina and Desi have been best friends for over twenty years. Their so close they are even roommates. But Tina starts to grow a guilty conscious one night when she finds herself basically drooling over Desi's boyfriend Josh. Little does she know Desi not only sees it but she likes it, and decides to take it further by inviting Tina into their bed. All the while rich guy Kenton has his eyes set on Tina and for a man that has everything he is obsessed with the one girl he can't have. As the relationship between Tina, Desi, and Josh develops, and Kenton gets more and more desperate to get Tina to bend to his will; the question is can the three of the make it work? And will Tina be able to get Kenton to back down before it's to late?

I liked the twist in the plot. Bringing Kenton into the mix as a villain was a nice touch to add some level of an actual storyline here and not just sex. But that being said I felt the romance side of things with the three of them could have been fleshed out a bit more. I understood the attraction, and the sex scenes in this book are definitely rated XXX, but you don't really feel the love here. Being that the book is labeled as a Erotic Romance and not just plain Erotica I think it needed a bit more in the feelings department. Still the plot that surrounds Kenton and the whole villain angle was well written and really made the story. It just felt like at time sex scenes were just thrown in there to be thrown in. Between the F/M/F menage relationship and then the other random hookups throughout the book there is definitely no shortage on the smexy encounters.

Overall this was a quick hot read and while I think it could use a little more focus on the main relationship I still enjoyed it.
