Wednesday, November 28, 2012

WoW: The Farm

Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we just can't wait to get our sticky fingers on.

Title: The Farm
Release Date: December 4, 2012
Synopsis from Goodreads

Life was different in the Before: before the Ticks began devouring humans in a deadly swarm across America; before the surviving young people were rounded up and quarantined “for their own protection.” These days, we know what those quarantines are—holding pens where human blood is turned into more food for the Ticks. Surrounded by electrical fences, most kids try to survive the Farms by turning on each other…

And when trust is a thing of the past, escape is nearly impossible.

Lily and her twin sister Mel have a plan. Though Mel can barely communicate, her autism helps her notice things no one else notices—like the portion of electrical fence that gets turned off every night. Getting across won’t be easy, but as Lily gathers what they need to escape, a familiar face appears out of nowhere, offering to help…

Carter was a schoolmate of Lily’s in the Before. Managing to evade capture until now, he has valuable knowledge of the outside world. But like everyone on the Farm, Carter has his own agenda, and he knows that behind the Ticks is an even more dangerous threat to the human race...

We here at Paranormal Wastelands are embracing our new Tick overlords. We also hope they don't notice that we've got a stockpile of OFF in the Wastelands' mansion. But if they do we will be sure to scream:

 Must have NOWS! 
We needs it!! 
We wants it!! 
We can't lives without it!! 

and if they don't then we're sure this book is great, too !!

Now that you've heard what our CAN'T WAIT book is... What's yours? Drop us a comment so we can find out what has you on pins and needles.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

WoW: Shadow's Claim

Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we just can't wait to get our sticky fingers on.

Title: Shadow's Claim
Series: The Dacians #1
Release Date: November 27, 2012
Synopsis from Goodreads

He won’t be denied

Trehan Daciano, known as the Prince of Shadows, has spent his life serving his people, striking in the night, quietly executing any threat to their realm. The coldly disciplined swordsman has never desired anything for himself—until he beholds Bettina, the sheltered ward of two of the Lore’s most fearsome villains. 

She’s bound to another

Desperate to earn her guardians’ approval after a life-shattering mistake, young Bettina has no choice but to marry whichever suitor prevails—even though she’s lost her heart to another. Yet one lethal competitor, a mysterious cloaked swordsman, invades her dreams, tempting her with forbidden pleasure. 

A battle for her body and soul

Even if Trehan can survive the punishing contests to claim her as his wife, the true battle for Bettina’s heart is yet to come. And unleashing a millennium’s worth of savage need will either frighten his Bride away—or stoke Bettina’s own desires to a fever-pitch....

We here at Paranormal Wastelands are a bit confused with squee. What is this? We mean seriously. What is this? Is it Immortal After Dark? We heard it's based in the same word. Or is it something else? Are there vampire brothers? What EEEES it? And what is to come of our beloved IAD? There's more, right? We sure there are.... but until then this series is sure to make us squee:

 Must have NOWS! 
We needs it!! 
We wants it!! 
We can't lives without it!! 

*because even though we are a bit confused we will always worship Kresley

Now that you've heard what our CAN'T WAIT book is... What's yours? Drop us a comment so we can find out what has you on pins and needles.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Any Other Night by Anne Pfeffer: Review/Giveaway

Any Other Night
By Anne Pfeffer
Published May 19th by Bold Print Press
Pick up your copy at Amazon today!
Synopsis borrowed from Goodreads:

Any other night, Ryan Mills would have driven his best friend, Michael, to Emily's sweet sixteen party at the Breakers Club. Instead, determined to win over the birthday girl, he goes to the party early and alone, setting off a chain of events that ends with a car accident in which Michael dies.

Ryan blames himself for what happened to Michael. As far as he's concerned, he doesn't deserve to have love or ever be happy again. Then he learns Michael left a secret behind. Ryan feels compelled to take on his friend's unfinished business, and in the process, changes his life forever and becomes a man.

This book was published in October 2011 under the title Loving Emily. In May 2012, it was reissued with its content unchanged as Any Other Night. Many older ratings and reviews remain under the old title. Please put newer ratings and reviews here. A NOTE ABOUT CONTENT: in this book, some characters use profanity, engage in nonexplicit sexual activity, or take illegal drugs.

Darkfallen's thoughts:
This is a story that will keep you on an emotional roller coaster the entire time. It's about love and loss, heart break and happiness, grief and angst, but most importantly about growth.

We meet Ryan the night of Emily's party, the girl that he has been crushing on. He decides tonight is the night to tel her how he feels so he doesn't drive his friend Micheal so he can get there early. Unfortunately fate has it's own agenda that night. And that agenda includes taking Micheal from this world. Any other night Micheal never would have driven himself to a party. Ryan always drove. So it comes as no surprise that Ryan blames himself for his best friend dying in a car crash that night.

I don't want to give to much a way so I'll leave it at that. This whole story is so complex and is weaves itself around you like a second skin, digging deeper and deeper until the very end. One thing that really stands out about this book is that it's told from a boys POV and it actually reads like it. Most books told from a boys POV the boy just comes off sounding like a girl. Not here folks. Ryan's voice is exactly what your would expect from a sixteen year old boy, and I love Anne Pfeffer for being able to pull that off. Not only that but I LOVED his voice in general. It's real, and raw, and it has the power to rip your heart open one minute and make you smile the next.

Simply put, I loved this book and I didn't ever want it to end!

And because the author is made of awesome one lucky winner will get a $10 Amazon gift card! All you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter form below!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

WoW: Touched

Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we just can't wait to get our sticky fingers on.

Title: Touched
Series: Sense Thieves #1
Release Date: October 29, 2012
Synopsis from Goodreads

Remy O’Malley heals people with touch—but every injury she cures becomes her own. Living in a household with an abusive stepfather, she has healed untold numbers of broken bones, burns,and bruises. And then one night her stepfather goes too far.

Being sent to live with her estranged father offers a clean start and she is eager to take it. Enter Asher Blackwell. Once a Protector of Healers, Asher sacrificed his senses to become immortal. Only by killing a Healer can a Protector recover their human senses. Falling in love is against the rules between these two enemies. Because Remy has the power to make Protectors human again, and when they find out, they’ll becoming for her—if Asher doesn’t kill her first.

This is Book One in the Touched trilogy.

We hear at Paranormal Wastelands love a good forbidden love story. Especially one that might end in muder. How delicious! It makes us cheer:

 Must have NOWS! 
We needs it!! 
We wants it!! 
We can't lives without it!! 

Now that you've heard what our CAN'T WAIT book is... What's yours? Drop us a comment so we can find out what has you on pins and needles.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bad Hair Day (Kate Grable #2) by Carrie Harris: Review

Bad Hair Day (Kate Grable #2)
By Carrie Harris
Published November 13th 2012 by Random House Publishing
Pick up your on copy at Amazon, B&N, or your local indie today!
Synopsis borrowed from Goodreads:

Senior year is positively hair-raising.

Kate Grable is geeked out to shadow the county medical examiner as part of her school’s pre-med program. Except when he’s arrested for murder, she’s left with the bodies. And when Kate’s brother Jonah stumbles upon a dead gamer girl, she realizes that the zombie epidemic she cured last fall was only the beginning of the weirdness taking over her town. Someone’s murdering kids—something really hairy. And strong. Possibly with claws.

Is it werewolf awesomeness like Jonah and his dorktastic friends think? Kate’s supposed to be a butt-kicking zombie killing genius...but if she can’t figure out who’s behind the freakish attacks, the victims—or what’s left of them—are going to keep piling up. It’s scary. It’s twisted. It’s sick. It’s high school.

Darkfallen's thoughts:
This was a funny, hilarious, tale of werewolves that only the geeky Kate Grable can pull off!

Kate Grable is just trying to get back to her normal nerdy, everyday life since finding a cure for the zombie epidemic that took over her town. I mean yeah, sure, there is your random zombie from time to time. And the once "under the radar" geek, Kate Grable, is now famous and being interviewed by CNN. She also has a boyfriend, which she has absolutely no idea how to deal with. But things where starting to get back to normal. That is until an unknown killer is shredding their victims in what looks like a animal attack. But Kate knows it's something more than that and she is determined to figure out what. Who would have thought it would be werewolves? So know Kate is trying to find the time to not only have a boyfriend, study, get into college, but find a cure for the werewolf inducing nanobots before she herself is lost to wolfdom.

This was by far the most hilarious werewolf read ever. I know it comes at no surprise that I love a good werewolf read. I do...I really, truly love them. This was the first one that had me laughing so hard I almost peed my pants on more than one occasion. Kate Grable may be a nerd but she has a second calling at stand up comedy if her life as a doctor doesn't pan out. I fell in love with her humor in Bad Taste In Boys and my love for her only grew in this second installment. I loved seeing her with Aaron and watching how she handled her relationship with him. You couldn't tell she just didn't know what to do with a boyfriend and it was too damn cute. Then you've got Aaron that completely adores her, and she doesn't even know it. I loved that no matter how Kate freaked out he just seemed to roll with it. Most guys would have run away.

Overall this is just an all around great read for anyone. I highly recommend you read this series. It's a refreshing break from the "so serious" that your used to in paranormal ya genre these days.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

WoW: Bad Hair Day

Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we just can't wait to get our sticky fingers on.

Title: Bad Hair Day
Series: Kate Grable #2
Release Date: November 13, 2012
Synopsis from Goodreads

Senior year is positively hair-raising.

Kate Grable is geeked out to shadow the county medical examiner as part of her school’s pre-med program. Except when he’s arrested for murder, she’s left with the bodies. And when Kate’s brother Jonah stumbles upon a dead gamer girl, she realizes that the zombie epidemic she cured last fall was only the beginning of the weirdness taking over her town. Someone’s murdering kids—something really hairy. And strong. Possibly with claws.

Is it werewolf awesomeness like Jonah and his dorktastic friends think? Kate’s supposed to be a butt-kicking zombie killing genius...but if she can’t figure out who’s behind the freakish attacks, the victims—or what’s left of them—are going to keep piling up.

It’s scary. It’s twisted. It’s sick. It’s high school.

We here at Paranormal Wastelands can't wait to get our laugh on with this book!! It just sounds too super cute! It makes us squee:

 Must have NOWS! 
We needs it!! 
We wants it!! 
We can't lives without it!! 

Now that you've heard what our CAN'T WAIT book is... What's yours? Drop us a comment so we can find out what has you on pins and needles.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Saving You, Saving Me: Promo

Saving You, Saving Me
By Kalin Gow
Published April 16th 2012 by The Edge Books Pick up your copy at Amazon today!
Synopsis borrowed from Goodreads:

18 year old high school senior and aspiring psychologist Samantha Sullivan (Sam) never thought she would fall for the one mysterious guy she has been speaking to over the phone for months, the boy the counselors called Daggers. She wasn't supposed to talk to him outside of their sessions. But as she began to peel the layers of Daggers and learn who he is, the one boy she is supposed to be saving, might just be the one who is saving her.

Saving You Saving Me inspired the Saving You Saving Me Project found at:

Monday, November 5, 2012

Caleb from Dark Seraphine visits the Wastelands/Giveaway

Paranormal  present a character interview with Caleb Wood from KaSonndra Leigh's Dark Seraphine

Greta: Hi Caleb and welcome to the Wastelands!! It's not every day we have a boy in our mist.

Darkfallen: You mean 'midst'.

Greta: No, I mean 'mist'.

Darkfallen: Damn it! Did you turn the fog machine on again?

Greta: Uhhh.... yeah. Teen boys like fog machines. Isn't that right, Caleb?
    Caleb: Oh yeah. We like to be able to have some, uh, privacy. I think I'll just leave it at that for now.

Darkfallen: So, I hear you're really into surfing.

    Caleb: Kinda sort of. Really it's Kyle who's more into it than me, though. He's pretty good at it. I'm still learning how to ride the big one. **gives us a charming dimpled grin**

Greta: Oh I know all about surfing!!

Darkfallen: You do not!

Greta: Yu-huh!! I've seen 'Rocket Power'

 Darkfallen: Did you have a good Halloween?

    Caleb: **shrugs** We had the All Souls Dance celebration at the local Internet cafe. That didn't go so good in case you hadn't heard.

Darkfallen: Is it still cool to trick or treat at your age?

   Caleb: What do you mean by "at my age?" You make it seem like I'm already a dad, or something. **grins and shakes head**

Greta: What are you talking about? We went out trick or treating last week.

Darkfallen: Really? I thought I was just taking the local senior citizen for a trip around the neighborhood.

    Caleb:  See? That's exactly what I mean.  

Greta: Shut-up!  **Caleb holds his hands up and widens his eyes** I wasn't talking to you, Caleb.

Greta: So, what do you want to do with your life, Caleb? Any plans for the future?

    Caleb: Get rich, eat a lot of steaks, and surf on every cool beach in the world. Especially Australia. I hear they got some pretty cool peeps over there.

Greta: Owww! I come with!! I can catch me a Hugh Jackyman!

Darkfallen: It was great having your over to the Wastelands. Hopefully the fog machine didn't bug you too much. Want to tell our Wastelanders how they can look into more about you?

    Caleb:  Thought you'd never ask. See, there's this girl and she's a mystery to me. I don't know, but I think I might be falling for her. I could really use your help here. Even more so, I'd appreciate it if you could tell me what you think about her. Yeah, yeah, so I know. That means you gotta check out my story and everything. Trust me. I'll make it worth your time. But I just don't know what to think. Who is this girl? What is she? Most importantly, who is the Dark Seraphine that everybody keeps warning me about? I have to know. Thanks Paranormal Wastelands ladies. Your place rocks, too, by the way.

KaSonndra Leigh is giving Wastelanders a chance to win a digital copy of "Dark Seraphine". Simply enter the Rafflecopter below.

Can't wait to get your stick fingers on "Dark Seraphine"?
You can purchase your copy at Amazon or Barnes and Noble today

And don't forget to sign up for KaSonndra Leigh's newsletter
Seraphine Muse to keep up with what is about to happen next.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Loving Summer (Loving Summer #1) by Kalin Gow: Review

Loving Summer (Loving Summer #1)
By Kalin Gow
Published May 28th 2012 by The Edge Books Pick up your own copy at Amazon today! Synopsis borrowed from Goodreads:
Summer has always looked forward to spending her summers at her Aunt's beach house with the Donovans. To her, summers at Aunt Sookie's beach house was magical, especially getting to spend time with the Donovans - her best friend Rachel and Rachel's brothers Nathaniel, and Drew. Here at Aunt Sookie's beach house, they can be anyone and anything they dreamed. For Summer, she had always wished to become as pretty as Rachel and for her brothers to think of her as more than Rachel's friend. For Nat and Drew, summers at Aunt Sookie's beach house meant fun and escape, a place where they go to with their mom and sister for the summer, away from city life. They never thought this summer would be different. They never thought things would change as much as they did...and it all began with them falling for and loving Summer.

Darkfallen's thoughts:
This is one of those reads that you just don't want to end...

Every summer, Summer and her four friends have met at her aunts Malibu beach house ever since she can remember. But it's been three years since they've been and she is excited to see them again. Summer isn't the only one that has changed during those three short years, but as soon as they are back together old memories and friendships come flooding back. And so does an old crush on her bf's older brother Nat. Problem?....she's dating someone else, AND Nat's younger brother, Drew, is also interested in her. Will she chose the right guy? And when other problems arise who will stand up to be there for her?

This is without a doubt a great summer beach read. It's just one of those books that sucks you in and that you don't want to put it down. I absolutely loved Drew! So it goes without saying that I am Team Drew on this one. Yes this is one of those books where you are left to pick a team to root for. I must admit that I was a little disappointed to find out that this isn't a stand alone book, and therefore I didn't get to find out who Summer picks in the end. While I am excited to read the sequel, I just feel this would have been better as a stand alone.

As far as characters goes all of them are well rounded and fleshed out. I NEED to know more about them. Especially about Nat. He just seems so mysterious and I think there is so much more going on with him than meets the eye. So even though I'm team Drew, I still have a place in my heart for Nat and Astor. I hope that they both find someone in further books...just not Summer. Lol

Overall this is a great read with the potential to have an epic love story. GO TEAM DREW!!


Commencement (Hellsbane #0) by Paige Cuccaro: Review

Commencment (Hellsbane #0)
By Paige Cuccaro Published September 27th 2012 by Entangled Publishing Pick up your own copy at Amazon or B&N today!
Synopsis borrowed from Goodreads: 
Hell hath no fury like a woman’s scorn for frat guys…

Emma Jane Hellsbane knows something evil is worming its way through her college campus—she can feel it. Literally. Her freakish ability to feel other people’s emotions as though they were her own has always been monumentally awkward, and it’s easier for her to just pretend it doesn’t exist. But this time her paranormal ability just might help her save lives.

Emma Jane’s fairly certain that whatever the hateful, egomaniacal, Godlike thing is, it’s set up shop inside her boyfriend, the frat boy/soccer star Justin. And if she doesn’t figure a way to get it out of him soon, Justin’s soul will be the appetizer to the main course—the whole student body. Problem is, the big baddy is granting sinister wishes, and with each one the risks grow higher and the phrase Be careful what you wish for becomes a real-life dire warning. Of course for Emma, what feels like it could be the end is in fact just the beginning…

Darkfallen's thoughts:
This is one of those novellas that is packed full of everything that makes a great read. I loved this book so much I couldn't put it down, and now I can't wait to get my hands on the first book in this series.

Em is in her senior year of college and she has the best friend, the boyfriend, and these freaky powers that allow her to feel other people's emotions. On most days she tries to block them out but the day that she gets this weird vibe from her perfect boyfriend she knows there is something wrong. Rather than ignore it, like she wants to do, she dives in to paranormal detective mode to figure out just what exactly is going on here. Although she just might get more than she bargained for...

Like I said I just couldn't put this book down. Em is funny, witty, and just an all around fun character. I loved her and her best friend. Em had me laughing out loud on more than one occasion. The writing was impeccable, which I was so thankful for since it seems I've been stuck reading bad book after back book lately. Commencement broke me out of my reading slump!

I don't want to spoil the story but I will never look at jinni's the same way again! Overall this was a great, fun filled read, that I couldn't get enough of!


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Double Time (Sinner's On Tour #3) by Olivia Cunning: Review

Double Time (Sinner's On Tour #3)
By Olivia Cunning
Published November 1st by Sourcebooks
Pick up your own copy at B&N, Amazon, or your local indie today!
Synopsis borrowed from Goodreads:

Olivia Cunning delivers the perfect blend of steamy sex, heartwarming romance, and a wicked sense of humor in this menage story featuring the hottest guy in the Sinners band.

Trey Mills, the notoriously sexy Sinners rhythm guitarist, gives up his bisexual lifestyle and is swept into a hot, heady romance with Reagan Elliot, a female rock star sensation. But when Trey encounters Reagan's sexy bisexual roommate, Ethan Conner, he can no longer deny who he is or what he wants. Reagan heartily agrees to a solution that opens up a hot new world of sexual experience--and love--with the two men she wants the most.

Darkfallen's thoughts:
OMG let me bow down before the sex goddess that is Olivia Cunning!!!!

It's sexy...

It's hot...

It takes kink to a whole new level...a level that I am shocked to find that I couldn't get enough of!!! *takes a deep breath*

Ok first let me start by saying a couple things. 1.) I have been DYING to get my hands on Trey's book ever since I read Backstage Pass, and fell head of vibrator in love with the man. 2.) While I have been losing my mind lusting over this book, I have also been scared of it. I've only ever read one other book with any M/M action and in general it tends to skive me out a bit. (yes I just made up a word, sue me.) Still, even though I knew that Trey would be sexing it up with a guy, I couldn't help but need this book, but I was afraid it would skive me out and I wouldn't be able to finish reading it. Well I'm here to say that DIDN'T happen!! I guess I am so in love with Trey Mills that even when he is getting down and dirty with another man, not only doesn't it bother me, but I can't seem to look away. *blushes*

Olivia Cunning has wrote yet another book that has left me feeling violated in the best way possible; while at the same time the romance filled my heart. I was truly in love with Trey before this book, and now that I've gotten to get inside of his head that love has gone to a whole new level. It also helps that Reagan is made of awesome herself. I LOVED her and the way she interacted with Trey. Her personality is spunky, and snarky, and her comebacks had me laughing my ass of on more than one occasion. I kept thinking to myself How does Olivia come up with this stuff?! She couldn't have been better for Trey and I am equal parts jealous of Reagan and in love with her. She is a rock god herself and deserves to bowed down to for her mad guitar skills.

What can I say? Olivia Cunning writes an erotic romance like none other. She knows how to balance all the hot sexy scenes with the right amount of feeling, and heart that sucks you in and brings you to your knees. She'll make you swoon, combust, laugh, and cry all in one book. And she will make anyone fall in love with the most sexiest of bad boys ever!

The only thing I feel I have to mention is that it seems like Erik and Jace's book should have came before this one. There are places where we meet Erik's wife, and Jace's fiance and I was like When did this happen? and Who are these women? So while I didn't want to wait for Trey's book I think Erik and Jace's book should have came first so we knew how these women came about. Still I give this book 5 stars because how could you not?! Lol



Sunday, October 28, 2012

Trick Or Treat Giveaway Hop: Zompacolypse 2012

Paranormal Wastelands

I don't know about you, but we here at the wastelands LOVE Halloween!
So muich so that we wait all year long for Zompacolypse to come around so we can whip out our zombies. We are sad to say that it's almost time to lock thosae zombies back in the basement, but before we do what better way to go out with a bang than a rocking Trick Or Treat Hop?!
NONE, none I tell ya. There is nothing better than a chain of awesome giveaways. But before we get to that we just wanted to say a special thanks to all the authors and bloggers that have helped make Zompacolypse 2012 possible.

And from our zombie butler here at the wastelands mansion...
Isn't he such an awesome artist?!
Now for the giveaway!!! Here on our stop we will be hosting two giveaways. Please feel free to enter BOTH. The first Rafflcopter form is for a HUGE box of YA books:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
And the second giveaway is for a box of Middle Grade books:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Both giveaways are open internationally. Simply fill out both Rafflecopter forms to be entered!
Now keep on trick or treating to the rest of the stops:

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Zombie Whisperer/How to Train a Zombie

Paranormal Wastelands is proud to welcome Annie Walls author of The Famished Trilogy.

*Darkfallen and Greta open the mansion door to stop the pounding coming from the other side.*

DF: What do you want?

Greta: We don’t want any.

Annie: I was taking a stroll around the neighborhood when I noticed a retched smell coming from your mansion. *Annie wrinkles nose as a bang and groan sounds from the zombie hidden in the mansion basement.* What’s that noise?

DF: Never mind that. What’s that? In your hand? *DF points to Annie’s hand.*

Annie: Well, I have a zombie. You see? *Annie pulls the chain in her hand, and a compliant zombie stumbles into the mansion foyer.*

*Greta and DF gasp*

Greta whispers to DF: You called the zombie whisperer!

*DF elbows Greta to be quiet.*

DF: How do you get him to do that? *DF gestures to the zombie, who is standing still, watching them eerily.*

*Annie appraises Greta and DF with raised eyebrows, and smiles.*

Annie: Well, I feed him!

Greta: You feed him? What?

Annie: Zombie food. What else would I feed him? *More banging comes from the basement as DF and Greta become more anxious.*

DF: Where can we get some of this zombie food? Hypothetically speaking.

Annie: *Annie shrugs* Where ever you can find some brains.

Greta: Well, how do you keep him so clean? *Everyone looks at the zombie, noting the laundered state.*

Annie: Spray him down with the hose, soap him up, and spray him down again to rinse him off, like a shower. Need to feed him first though. A full zombie is a happy zombie. *Moans and groans become louder and more persistent. DF and Greta shoot each other worried glances*

Annie: Does that noise have anything to do with the smell?

Greta: It’s a zombie!

DF: Yes, and we need to train him. I think you can help us. You know, being a zombie whisperer and all.

Annie: Zombie whisperer?

*Annie shakes with uncontrolled laughter*

Greta: What’s so funny?

*DF scowls at Annie*

Annie: Oh, well, I’m not a zombie whisperer.

DF: You’re not?

Greta: But that zombie is trained! You know what to feed him.

DF: And bathe him...

Greta: And walk him.

DF: He’s not trying to eat us!

*Annie pulls chain again.*

Annie: All that stuff seems obvious, don’t you think?

DF: You should help us train our zombie. *More banging from basement.*

Annie: I would, if I ever trained a zombie, but I haven’t.

Greta: What about your zombie? *Greta points to zombie*

Annie: He’s not my zombie. I just found him on my walk. Pretty cool, huh?

*DF and Greta blink*

DF: Then what are you doing here?!?!

Annie: If you would have let me explain in the first place... from the smell of your mansion, I thought he lived here. You guys seem a little desperate... couldn’t resist teasing you.

DF: What a waste of my time!

Greta: So, where is the real zombie whisperer?

Annie: Just a guess, but maybe this zombie had the whisperer for breakfast. Maybe zombie’s don’t want to be trained.

*Everyone looks at the zombie, who now has a smile on his face.*

Annie Walls is giving a chance to one lucky U.S. Wastelander to win a copy of her e-book - Taking on the Dead - plus some fabulous Zompacolypse goodies! What are those goodies? Only the winner will find out!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, October 25, 2012

For Whom the Bell Tolls: The Bateson Revival Device and Other Freaky Stories of Premature Burial, Funeral Customs, and the Walking Dead (copter needed)

Paranormal Wastelands is proud to welcome Varla Ventura author of The Book of the Bizarre: Freaky Facts & Strange Stories

Nothing makes the heart pound like the thought of being chased, be it through thorny wood or up winding staircases, through tangle of night or breaking dawn, with the dead hot on your heels. (Or should I say cold at your feet?) I certainly have had one-too-many dreams about being chased by zombies, no doubt a result of watching one-too-many horror movies.

What makes you hide under the covers or sleep with the light on? Perhaps it’s the common fear of being buried alive. The taste of dirt in you mouth, fingernails torn to shreds as you desperately try to claw your way out. Out of the coffin, out of the grave, out into the free air.

Lurid stories from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were spread in the popular press about premature burial. Some of these tales were spread by well-meaning doctors; for example, postmortem reports described corpses with their fingers chewed offa sign, some doctors said, that the corpse awoke and was panicked and hungry enough to chew its own extremities. In reality, most or all of the cases were actually the result of rodent infestation. However, there was good reason for people to be terrified of being buried alive. Not all medical professionals were particularly skilled at telling the difference between dead and unconscious, and burials happened so fast (due to the heat in some places and the absence of preserving chemicals) that it was not unheard of for a person to wake up underground.

John Bateson was an inventor with paranoia about this very situation, and so he came up with the Bateson Revival Devicea small church bell attached to the lid of the coffin and connected to a cord strapped to the deceased’s hand. The idea was if you woke up in a coffin, you could ring the bell until somebody rescued you. Because his fears were shared by hundreds of people, Bateson was made wealthy with the device.

Egbert Viele was buried in a replica of an Egyptian pyramid at West Point Cemetery in New York. He was so afraid of being buried alive that he added a finishing touch to the memorial--a buzzer connected to the caretaker’s house was installed close to Viele’s body. It never rang.

One of my favorite stories I’ve read over the years came from the book Scottish Bodysnatchers: True Accounts. Author Norman Adams paints several gruesome tales of premature burial and inadvertent rescue. Among them is the account of Maggie Dickson, who was hung in 1724 in Inveresk, presumably for a self-induced abortion that she had attempted to conceal. Maggie was hung in the town square, and it is said that the hangman pulled and swung on her legs once the noose was tightened and the ladder was kicked out, just for good measure. She was cut down, apparently dead, and her body was put in a cart by her relatives to be taken home for burial. Along the way, the family and friends of the deceased Maggie stopped for a drink. While the mourners were inside the alehouse, Maggie regained consciousness. Her weak cries attracted help, and a local surgeon revived her. Later, she was granted her freedom and went on to live many years, being widely known as “Half-Hangit” Maggie.
A similar tale is one from Aberdeenshire, where Merjorie Elphinstone was buried alive and rousted from her premature eternal slumber by a grave robber who was trying to steal the rings from her fingers. And there is the story of the minister’s wife, Margaret Halcrow. She was saved from an untimely fate when a sexton attempted to rob her grave and found her alive. Her husband was quite shocked to find her knocking on the door one evening.

And if being buried alive isn’t your greatest fear, perhaps it is the idea that something will reach out from its own earthly deathbed and come after you?

The origin of the tombstone lies in the fear of the dead, it seems. Lest the restless spirit, zombie, or other ghastly incarnation of the formerly living try to escape from its well-nailed coffin and six feet of earthly barrier, a large heavy stone was added to the grave to ensure it was sealed. Later, the tombstone was used more formally as a place on which to engrave epitaphs and depict angels, doves, and similar symbols of heavenly ascension.

So when you are out there, cemetery gazing or watching zombie flicks, don’t forget to listen for the sound of a bell. Consider it a warning.

Varla Ventura is giving one lucky Us/Canadian Wastelander the chance to win a signed copy of her book TheBook of the Bizarre plus Halloween and zombie swag!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mina Khan Draws Inspiration from Halloween and Treats Us With a Giveaway

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because it’s all about letting your imagination run free and frolic in the leaves.

The new chill in the air, goblins and princesses, fairies and firefighters roaming the neighborhood at dusk and dark, dancing skeletons and cackling witches welcoming you to suburban homes, the spooky music…oh yes, the freedom of Halloween fires my imagination.

Not too surprising since I write genie romance. Genies – formally called djinn or jinn – are supernatural beings (from ancient Middle Eastern and South Asian mythology) who can melt into shadows, travel between parallel dimensions and grant your deepest, darkest wishes.

It’s easy to imagine a djinn –a tall, dark, gorgeous specimen – watching from the shadows. Easy to hear all kinds of dire whispers floating in the wind. And, so very easy to dream up sexy adventures.

This year though I wanted to write a ghost story for Halloween. And, I ended up with DEAD, a multicultural ghost story dealing with an often invisible aspect of the immigrant experience. Nasreen, the Indian-American protagonist, grapples with her life and death in desolate West Texas.

Check out the cover: 

Available on Amazon.

So what’s your favorite Halloween read and why? Share and you could be one of two lucky, randomly chosen, people to win a KINDLE copy of DEAD: A Ghost Story.

Wishing you a genie-licious Halloween!

Author Bio:

Mina Khan is a Texas-based writer and food enthusiast. She grew up in  
Bangladesh on stories of djinns (pronounced "gins"), ghosts and monsters.

These childhood fancies now color her fiction. She daydreams of hunky
paranormal heroes, magic, mayhem and mischief and writes them down as tales of romance and adventure.

Her first published work, The Djinn's Dilemma, won the novella category of the 2012 Romance Through The Ages (published) contest.

Fifty percent of the proceeds from her second novella, A Tale of Two Djinns, is donated to UNICEF for education. Two Djinns is a Romeo & Juliet tale with genies, feminists and a happy ending.

For more information check out her:

Twitter: @SpiceBites